Monday, 24 March 2014

Six Tips For Sexier Abs From An Experienced Santa Monica Gym Instructor, PART 3

This four-part series provides detailed advice from experienced fitness experts on how to get the washboard stomach you’ve always dreamed of.

Santa Monica Fitness
Welcome to the third installment of this four-part article series on how to blast stomach fat and tighten your midsection to achieve the sexy washboard stomach you’ve always wanted. In our previous article, Part 2, an experienced Santa Monica gym instructor explained that in addition to improving posture, you should train your body as a whole and not just focus exclusively on doing crunches and sit-ups. These will tone your abdominals, but they won’t eliminate the layer of body fat covering them. He also explained that, to lose body fat, your energy intake (eating) will need to be lower than your energy output (exercise) and so you should assess your diet and digestion.

What else can we do to look like we could grate a carrot on our abdominals of steel? Let’s check out Tip # 4…

Tip for A Tighter Belly # 4: You Don’t Need Fancy Equipment

“Forget bands, straps, Bosu balls and fancy walking shoes… fitness companies are constantly spitting out new and improved products to help people burn more calories and get fitter and while these do work, with the right attitude and discipline, you can do it all yourself,” says the Santa Monica fitness trainer. “Props and fancy workout clothes are awesome to have and they can inspire you to train more frequently – they may even make your workout more effective, but you don’t need to spend all that money in order to tone your stomach and tighten your midsection.”

Santa Monica Gym

Simply improve your posture and pull your navel in towards your spine and you will strengthen your core and tone your belly without even taking a single step in the direction of the gym. Couple this with eating smarter and being more active, even if it is taking a 30-minute walk every day. Go on: get outside, rake those leaves, take the dog for a run, go cycling, do some chores, vacuum the house… all of these activities burn calories and fat.

Tip for a Tighter Belly # 5: Slow and Steady Wins the Race

“You’ve got to remember… there are no quick fixes. We all get seduced by fad diets and ‘How to blast 10 pounds of stomach fat per week’ advice columns,” says the Santa Monica gym instructor. “Sure, you can achieve some results with these crash diets/exercise regimes, but the results won’t be sustainable unless you are exceptionally disciplined, which most people aren’t. Rather be patient and plot a steady course of progression that will help you achieve great results that are permanent. Allow yourself to adjust to a new and healthier lifestyle that involves more frequent exercise and a healthier diet. Be consistent and take setbacks in your stride, because they will in all likelihood happen. Slow and steady wins the race every time!”

Stay Tuned for Part 4

Want to read some final tips on how to get that toned, tightened belly you’re after, stay tuned for the final installment of this four-part article series, courtesy of Santa Monica fitness trainers.

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