This four-part series provides detailed advice from experienced fitness experts on how to get the washboard stomach you’ve always dreamed of.

Welcome to the final installment of this four-part article series on how to achieve the sexy washboard abs you’ve always wanted. Before we take a look at the final tip provided by the experienced gym instructor in Santa Monica we’ve been speaking to, let’s take a brief recap of the points covered thus far…
Tip for a Tighter Belly # 1: Sit Up Straight! “The first place to start is to improve your posture. Align your ears, shoulders, hips and ankles with each other and pull your navel in towards your spine,” says this personal trainer in Los Angeles. “This will help you appear leaner and more confident. It will also improve lung capacity, thereby making you feel more energized. This is not to mention its obvious benefits for your back!” Holding in your stomach muscles as you move or sit throughout the day also helps train those muscles to remain tight rather than falling forward and looking flabby.
Tip for a Tighter Belly # 2: Workout Your Whole Body: “Train your body as a whole and don’t just focus exclusively on doing crunches and sit-ups. These exercises will tone your abdominals, but they won’t eliminate the layer of body fat covering them. The most effective method for toning your whole body is circuit training, which involves alternating bursts of resistance (anaerobic) and cardiovascular (aerobic) exercise.”
Tip for a Tighter Belly # 3: Assess Your Diet and Digestion: “In order to reveal the ripped abs hiding underneath your beer belly, you’re going to need to burn more body fat,” says the gym instructor in Santa Monica. “Do this by decreasing your energy intake (eating) and increasing your energy output (exercise). You don’t even need to eat a lot less, just eat smarter and healthier.”
Tip for a Tighter Belly # 4: You Don’t Need Fancy Gym Equipment: “You don’t need to spend a lot of money on gym equipment and props in order to achieve your fitness and weight loss goals. Turn your daily chores into a workout regime. Practice better posture and eat healthier. Walk more frequently. There is so much you can do short of spending your life on the treadmill.”
Tip for a Tighter Belly # 5: Slow and Steady Wins the Race: “Fad diets and extreme workout routines won’t help you achieve your goals,” explains the personal trainer in Los Angeles. “You’re looking at changing your life and your routines to help you get fitter and healthier and in order to do this sustainably, you should be slow and consistent in your approach.
What final thing can we do to look like an extra from the movie “300”? Let’s check out Tip # 6…
Tip for a Tighter Belly # 6: Be Realistic In Your Goal-Setting

In keeping with point # 5, you are unlikely to experience instant results, even if you are extremely disciplined with your diet and exercise regime. You mustn’t allow this to deter or frustrate you, because you’ll just slump into old, unhealthy habits. Be realistic in the goals you set for yourself.
“People must also realize that genes do play a role in body type. Some people hit the gym and the pounds peel off while others need to spend more time and efforts to achieve the same results,” explains the gym instructor in Santa Monica. “Never compare yourself to others. Your body may be a little more stubborn. Even some super skinny people struggle to get ripped abdominals because it’s in their genes to have a little extra body fat covering their stomachs.”
This doesn’t mean that you’re doomed to have a bloated belly… it just means that you’ll need to accept that, while you can improve your appearance, you’ll never be able to crush beer cans against your stomach. Which might not be such a bad thing after all!